Groups of people spreading the good word? Gangs using their free speech? Not quite.
Street Preachers, 2017
Fair warning, this post will upset me all over again. However, it's important that somebody exposes these people, and that's what I'm going to do. To those of you who have been living under a rock, there are groups of "religious" individuals who come out to highly populated areas to "spread the good word." Well, that's what they'll tell you. It's not hard to find irresponsible newspaper articles that paint them as people who are being targeted. This couldn't be any further from the truth. Today, I'm going to expose exactly how they work and share a personal experience with them. Allow me to start.
Me with a random Powerade drinking pirate, 2017
The month was January and I was dressed in my finest pirate attire. I was out, having fun, drinking, minding my own business, and taking the occasional picture with whoever wanted one. As I was walking through the crowds, a huge opening had formed. Finally free from the confines, I take a moment to breathe before heading back into the crowds. It was in this split second that one of these... People... Decided to run up to me, shove me, and yell something about "hit me again!" with a few choice words thrown in at the end. I turn towards this... Man... Just in time to see another member of their group turn their crappy $100 Best Buy camera they got on Black Friday towards me to "catch me" hitting this deadbeat. It was then that I turned and walked away. However, it got me thinking. Clearly these people don't have real jobs. They can't. They're out until the wee hours of the morning informing everyone that they're going to hell. Everyone. Why is everyone going to hell? That's the easy part: They hope to upset enough people that somebody turns to throw a punch at them so that they can capture said attack on their $100 camera and take it to court using the free speech defense. They do this for a living. This is a practice that was popularized by the Westboro Baptist Church. It's not new and they're not clever for doing it themselves. So, how does one fight back?

Counter protest, 2017
Not like this. The more attention these groups get, the more publicity they receive, the more people they can then rile up. The best way to get them to leave is to ignore them. Don't stop and listen to what they have to say. Don't stand there with a sign. Don't engage. Simply walk past them. They don't exist. Don't hit them. That's what they want. Don't argue their views with them. They don't actually believe anything they're saying anyway. Their signs are only there to upset you. Don't give it. Don't let them win. If everybody were to walk past and ignore them, they'd then be forced to get a real job. They'd then be forced to get off the streets. They'd have no form of income. Lets see that happen.
Have you had the misfortune of dealing with these individuals also? Can you think of another way to make them leave? Leave a
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This is not completely true and you are not a true representative of the Christian groups that go out there. You are a one sided story. I have actually been down there maybe not with the same group of men but I can tell you our group was never violent we do not go out there to just get attaintion, also we are not to go out there to just get a shot on camera. We are truly sent by God to spread the good news but to also warn people where they will be heading if they keep sinning against God. Yes, our group holds banners and wears shirts and they work. Yes they pass out tracks and they worm. I mayself was lead to to a tent because of a track and ebded up getting saved by Jesus. So yes some of the groups out there like Westboro Baptist are cults and wicked. But we out group is nothing like them. First off westboro goes to furnels anf that completely a disgrace to the family, we don't do that, also they wish for more dead soldiers which is disgusting our group will never do that being the fact its straight up wrong and also some in our group wore in the military and served their time. Also westboro does not beileve everyone can be saves like the LGBT group. But our group believes that anyone can be saved if they turn to Jesus and repents. So this can be true for maybe a few small groups out there but we are not all like that. Our group is there to truly to reach out to the lost souls bring them the word of God and pray and hope they will get saved. Because we turly care for everyones soul out there and want them to be saved no matter the color or sexual orientation.